High impact 🌿

Include organizational philanthropy policies

For-profit organizations have clear philanthropy policies and practices in place to help non-profit organizations build digital capacity and acumen while also engaging their own teams in meaningful work that promotes shared learning and stretch goals.

Actions checklist
  • Philanthropy Policy

    The organization has a clear corporate giving policy and creates philanthropic partnerships with strategically aligned organizations.

  • Voluntary Work

    The organization engages in free or volunteer projects, which help its team learn new tools and tactics, while also helping charities and non-profit organizations build capacity.

☞ See on W3C


Medium impact 🌿

Plan for a digital product or service s care and end of life

Everything ends at some point, planning for if and when a product or service is finalized makes good ethical sense to ensure customers can be transitioned toward a replacement rather than losing access to their data.

Actions checklist
  • End-of-life Care

    Establish clear, documented end-of-life guidelines that include data disposal, archiving, file deletion, and so on.

☞ See on W3C


High impact 🌿

Include e waste right to repair and recycling policies

The organization addresses e-waste, right-to-repair, recycling, and related practices in its operations.

Actions checklist
  • E-Waste Policy

    The organization has specific policies in place to recycle e-waste and repair owned technology products whenever possible.

  • Recycling And Repairing

    The organization has formed relationships with local partners for e-waste recycling and repair.

  • Refurbishment Strategy

    The organization buys refurbished equipment whenever possible.

☞ See on W3C


Medium impact 🌿

Define performance and environmental budgets

Setting targets and limits regarding your product or service is important for keeping a sustainable mindset. Using budgets, you can declare the remits of which you will work within to ensure your emissions do not fall outside (and monitor your progress through development).

Actions checklist
  • Environmental Budget

    The product team has defined, baselined, and documented a clear sustainability and environmental budget criteria that covers the page, user-journey, and digital service levels and metrics (such as a CO2.js score) that are approved by relevant product stakeholders.

  • Performance Budget

    Use tools such as a performance budget to determine the maximum size (goals) your app or website can weigh to reduce the data transfer and HTTP request impact (using metrics like Google Lighthouse).

  • Measurable Improvements

    The product team can measurably show how much the budgeting process improved performance and reduced emissions.

  • Capacity And Maintenance

    The product team invests in resources to build capacity and maintain the budgets over time.

☞ See on W3C


High impact 🌿

Use open source tools

The organization has clear policies about using open source tools, including how it gives back to the community and responsibly manages code repositories to reduce waste.

Actions checklist
  • Open Source Policy

    The organization has a clear open source policy in place that outlines how it uses open source tools and the practices it supports surrounding open source development.

  • Collaboration

    The organization has a track record of collaboration and community-building around open source principles.

  • Contribution

    The organization regularly contributes to open source community-based projects.

☞ See on W3C
